How about a swap? (:

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Parcel from UK!

Just a day before Valentine's, I received my parcel from Jean! Look what she got for me!

Here's the close up:Chocolates, candies, biscuits and a packet of instant casserole. The bars of chocolates melted during their journey, but I think it should be fine when I place it in the refrigerator.

4 small tubes of cosmetics-soap, lip gloss, hand moisturizer and body shimmer. I didn't request for them, but it's a pleasant surprise to receive them. (:

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Jean sent this Jamie Oliver 2007 calendar a week or 2 before the other stuff. Though it's a tad bit crumpled, I still love it. (:

A cool choker. (Front and back view) I love the design, it's something different. Looks ancient, very special.

Hot pink purse with adorable frogs! Looks retro, eh? :]

My favourite-Paperchase! The magnets are captivating!

Paperchase sharpener. Very delightful, especially when it's one of my favourite animals-cats!

A mouse phone charm, how cute!

Yet another of my favourite-Harry Potter! Top Trump cards! I specially placed Draco Malfoy at the front of the deck, I love him, (just for fun!) besides Weasly twins. (:

Harry Potter pins! Unfortunately, some of the pins broke. (Bet the postman was rough!) I placed it back to it's position for this picture, though it's not really in place. I just like to admire them. (:

A colourful blank book. It's pretty!

Isn't this such a pretty hand-made card? How I wish this shoe is for real!

Jean has received my parcel as promised to send by air. She, along with her daughter, said that they love everything. (: I would love to swap with her again. Thanks for the splendid swap, Jean! :]